Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Evan's Class Party

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Torrential rains were predicted for today.  The way the forecasters were talking, we were going to need an ark.  However, when we walked to school this morning, the sun was bright and there were few, if any clouds in the skies.

The new forecast had rain starting around noon or a bit after noon.

I worked from home for a bit and then I went into Aaron's to work on a project we're doing for Microsoft.  Rachel went to get her hair cut.

After Rachel got her hair cut, she went to Evan's class party.  They had pizza.  Rachel said it was nice.  Evan said that after the party they had recess for over an hour.  I guess the teacher really didn't feel like working today (if you think I was insulting the teacher - I was).

We walked to get the boys at 2:30.  The sky had some clouds in it, but the sun was still shining.  It was incredibly hot and humid, but still no rain.

Evan had baseball practice, his last of the season, this afternoon.  We thought it would be cancelled because of this epic rain...but still no rain.  In fact, we got in the full practice without any threat.  Evan played very very well.  He pitched well, he fielded well and he hit well.

Rachel and Noah had dinner at Grandma and Papa's because Leah was in town.  Evan and I went over there after baseball practice and had dinner, though everyone had eaten.

The boys are in bed now.

Until next time...

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