Friday, May 29, 2015


Hello everyone, this is Morry.

We walked to school this morning without being rained on.  On the way home, we bumped into John, Jack's dad.  He talked to us for a long time.  He doesn't work on Fridays so he always has more time.

I worked in the morning and then Deborah came over.  She was coming to work on Lizzy.  Lizzy seems to get excited when Deborah is here.  She just lays down and lets Deborah work on her.   Deborah, too, is a big talker and we talked about biking and how well Evan rode his bike last Saturday.

After Deborah left, we went to Wholy Bagel.

When we got home, the electrician came.  The outdoor lighting guy found that our breaker and GFI switch for the outdoor lights was broken so they came do replace that.  I also told them about the problem we are having with our outdoor lights turning on and off when Rachel goes on the treadmill.  They said we won the "weird award".  They were really looking at it and couldn't figure out the problem.  The head guy seemed frustrated and when he was talking to me and pointing at the switches he accidentally hit the wires which caused a weird flicker of the lights and then he said "that's it".  The lights shouldn't have done that and it caused him to realize the wiring was not done correctly there and he was able to fix it.

We walked to get the boys.  Ms. Wenske spend about 20 minutes talking to us when we got Noah because she was talking about next year and what she recommended for Noah in terms of teacher.  She is really a nice lady.

For dinner we picked up pizza from Via 313.

The boys are getting ready for bed now...

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