Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Allergy Doctor

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

The dentist diagnosed Noah with enlarged tonsils last week.  So Rachel made Noah an appointment with a pediatric allergist for this morning.  The thought is that his tonsils are enlarged because Noah has bad seasonal allergies.  Rachel walked Evan to school early in the morning.  When she got back, we took Noah to the allergist.

The allergist agreed that the right course of treatment is to handle the allergies first and see if that helps with the tonsils.  Noah will start taking Flonase today.  Next week he'll go in for an allergy test.  She doesn't want Noah to be on medication all year long so she wants to know what he's allergic to and therefore he might only need to take medicine during those times of year.  Or he could get allergy shots.  But we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

Rachel took Noah back to school while I went into Aaron's.

Rachel went to a lunch for the Pink Ribbon Cowgirls.  Then Deborah followed Rachel home and worked on Lizzy some.

We drove to get the boys because it was raining.  The rain also caused Evan's baseball practice to be cancelled.

Rachel left for tutoring around 5 and we I took the boys to CVS to get Flonase.

We had steak and salmon for dinner when Rachel got home.

Noah is reading with Rachel now.

Until next time...

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