Monday, May 4, 2015

Five Weeks Left

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

There are only five school weeks left in the year.  We officially started the countdown this morning.  As of this morning there were 23 days left of school.  We are keeping track on the white board in the laundry room.

We walked to school as normal this morning.  As we were walking, we bumped into a woman with a 7-month old golden retriever.  We think this is one of the golden retriever puppies that Lizzy had seen a few months ago.  Lizzy and the puppy were so excited to see each other.  It's funny to watch Lizzy.  Even after walking away from the puppy, Lizzy walks with a trot and even pulls on the leash some.

I went into Aaron's today.  On the way home, I stopped at Smoothie King, the bank and HEB.

Rachel and I walked to get the boys.  Evan was invited to over to Wade's so Rachel and Noah walked him to the front of the school.  I decided to meet Rachel and Noah on the trail near the Community Center since that's closer to the front of the school.  A whole new set of kids got to meet Lizzy and pet her.

Rachel took Noah out to ride a bike this afternoon when we got home.

Rachel went to tutoring and I grilled steak and salmon for the boys for dinner.

The boys are about to go to bed and Rachel should be home soon.

Until next time...

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