Thursday, January 8, 2015

Very Cold

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning was very cold for Austin.  It was about 23 degrees with significant wind.  I don't know what the wind chill was.  We drove to school but walked down the trail.  Apparently the sprinklers still ran last night and there was ice everywhere on the school property.  Huge icicles hanging from the trees.  The assistant principal was outside making sure the kids didn't try to slide on the ice.  I believe the sprinklers are there to pump rain water out of a retention basin and spread the water around.  It's not intended solely to water the grass.  They may be automatic when the water level gets to a certain point, but I don't know that.

I had a lunch meeting.  Rachel had a lunch meeting to, but hers was meeting Noah at school for lunch.  She said he really liked that.

It was still hovering around freezing when school let out so again we drove.  The ice was still there and the kids coming out of school were sliding and jumping around on it until someone authority figure stopped it.

In the afternoon, Rachel tutored.

I taught Evan some basic html and he started to make a web page.

For dinner, we had hamburgers cooked on the grill.

The boys are about to jump in the shower.

Until next time...

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