Thursday, January 29, 2015

Trees Yesterday

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Last night, Rachel and I went to bed a bit early.  At lunch, we had gone to the Natural Gardener and bought several trees to plant.  We got a pecan tree, a plum tree, a pear tree, two loquat trees and 3 blackberry shrubs.  We decided to move the Japanese Maple that we planted 10 years but hadn't grown into a spot that is more shaded.  So I dug that up and then planted the pecan tree.  Planting the pecan tree took a very long time as I had to dig deep for it.  Unfortunately, I hit a number of giant rocks that I had to dig out.  After all the digging and planting, we were pretty tired.

We walked to school this morning.  Lizzy got to see her golden retriever puppy friend.  The puppy always lays down immediately when Lizzy gets to him and exposes his belly.   He just rolls around while Lizzy smells him.  But today, as we pulled Lizzy away, the puppy nipped at Lizzy in a very playful way.  I really think he wanted to play with Lizzy.  He is really really cute.

Rachel ran out to HEB today to get some stuff for the weekend.

We walked to get Evan from school.  Noah started a weekly Mad Science program in an after-school program.  It is run at the school.  So we got him from Ms. Wenske but took him right into the school again.  Evan rode his scooter home from school.

Brody knocked on the door in the afternoon and so Evan and Noah played with him.  Christian and Connor joined them for a bit.

We had pasta and leftovers for dinner.

The boys are now getting ready for bed.

Until next time...

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