Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Class Prez

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Last night there was no blog because our internet was down.  This time it wasn't because of our router.  The entire city of Austin was down because of a cut fiber line.  The line was cut somewhere around 4:30am on Tuesday and they did not restore service until late yesterday evening.

This morning was a normal morning, other than the fact we drove to school.  The mornings have been too cold to walk this week.

I worked from home all day.

In the morning, Rachel had some of her checkup tests done.  It was close by so it was much more convenient.

In the afternoon, it was still fairly cool, but we walked to get the boys.  Evan was late coming out of school.  The teacher and the kids he comes out with came out but there was no Evan.  Finally Evan came out.  Evan told us he ran for class president (within his class not the whole 3rd grade) and he won today.  Apparently there was a primary and then a final vote and he won both.  He said he made a speech (about him being awesome and a hero) but he was quiet and only his table heard it.  So he had to stay a bit late for a meeting with the teacher to prepare for his duties.  He has to read something every morning to the class and some other duties associated with being a president.  Evan is typically very quiet in class so I'm shocked he'd want to run.

When we came home, the boys were in good moods and they played well.

Rachel left to tutor in the late afternoon.  She stopped by HEB on the way home.

For dinner, I grilled shrimp and steak.  Evan had just the steak, but Noah had the shrimp and steak.

The boys are about to get into bed now.

Until next time...

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