Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Active Wednesday

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

The boys decided to set their alarms today to wake up.  They wanted to get up earlier to play on the computer.  I told them I was not getting up any earlier to wake them up so they had to do it themselves.

Then we walked to school.  Noah fell on the trail walking into school and scraped his leg.  Rachel had to go get band aids from the nurse's office.

When we walked home, Rachel went and took a short walk with Lizzy.

I had a meeting at lunch time.  I stopped at Smoothie King on the way home.

I walked to get the boys.  They were good on the way home.

The boys and I had an early dinner because Evan had a game tonight.

Evan's game didn't go to well.  Evan led off the top of the first inning with a single that I saw bounce away from the outfielder, so I sent him.  It turns out that it must not have bounced that far away because the throw came in fast and Evan was out at second.  I apparently didn't learn my lesson because the same thing happened later in the inning.  Evan came up in the third and hit a shot down the left field line that went to the fence.  Evan ended up with his seventh home run of the season.  The rest of the boys just weren't hitting though and Evan's team lost.

We came home the boys are now in bed.

Until next time...

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