Saturday, April 26, 2014

More Baseball

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Again the boys were good on the way to school.  We've had easy mornings for quite a while now.

Around 10am, AT&T came to the house.  We got rid of DirecTV and our traditional home phone and replaced it all with AT&T Uverse.  It just made sense financially actually.  DirecTV has gotten very expensive.

After that, Rachel and I went to lunch at Wholy Bagel.

We walked to get the boys from school.  Jack came over for a little while.

Then Noah and I went to his baseball game.  There was a mix-up with the fields.  This game was a make-up of a rained out game.  Apparently, the coach pitch commissioner and the tee ball commissioner scheduled a game at the same field for two different games at the same time.  There was a softball field opened up so I volunteered that we move our game over there.

The game went well and we won again.  Noah didn't hit a home run today, but he played well defensively.  I had him play catcher one inning and I had him cover home on a bases loaded play and the pitcher threw home to him.  Unfortunately, he couldn't quite grab it but he made a good heads up play.

After Noah's game Evan and I walked over to another field.  Evan's coach from last year had moved to Singapore but he was in town for the week for business.  He was coming to the fields and Evan really wanted to see him.  It turns out that he wasn't coming until about 8:15/8:30.  So Evan and I went home for dinner.  Rachel picked up Torchy's after Noah's game and had it ready for us.

After dinner, Evan and I drove back to the fields and he was able to spend some time with Derek.  He was so excited.  He told him about a couple plays he's made this year.  Derek seemed to be genuinely flattered that Evan cared so much about seeing him and wanting to tell him stories.  He spent a bunch of time with Evan.  It was very nice.

It was late by the time we got home.   Noah was already asleep.  Evan went right to sleep.

Until next time...

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