Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Another Game, Another Win

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning we took the boys to school.  It was warm out but I needed to get back so we drove.  The boys were in good moods.

Rachel walked on the treadmill and then went for her weekly shopping trip to HEB.

We walked to pick the boys up from school.  It was 87 degrees so the boys were complaining about the heat on the way home.

Noah had a game this evening.  His team is starting to play very well.  He had a great hit in the second inning.  He didn't get any chances in the field today, but he seemed to enjoy himself.  His team won another game.  The tie breaker for the tee ball games is outs recorded.  So the score was tied at the end but we recorded two outs and they recorded one out.

Rachel stopped at Target on the way home.

The boys and I went over to the other field because I needed to get checks from and meet some of the new players on the Marauders.  The Marauders roster is set and we have our first tournament in a month.

We came home and had dinner.

The boys are now in their rooms.

Until next time...

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