Friday, May 25, 2012

A Graduation, A Tea Party, and an Anniversary

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Today was the last Friday of school for Evan.  There are only two days next week.  Because this was the last full week, they arranged to have a "Kindergarten Graduation" for Evan's class.  I put some nicer clothes on Evan this morning because of it.

Before the graduation, I had to take my car in for service.  The Check Engine light was on.  Rachel picked me up after dropping Noah off for school.

When we got home, we packed a picnic lunch and went over to Evan's school.  First they gave out "diplomas" and then the kids in the class performed a song for the parents.  Then each child held up a picture with what they were thankful that their parents did for them this year.  Evan was thankful we made him his lunch.  Following the ceremony, we had a picnic lunch outside with all of the families.  We sat with Jack's family.  Evan and Jack informed me that they both were going to go to UT for college and that they were going to live together.  Did they think this was high school graduation?

After lunch, they showed a slideshow with pictures of the kids.  They had also recorded each child saying what they liked most about Kindergarten and played those while showing a picture of the child.  Evan liked all the learning.

Once that was over, we quickly drove home dropped some stuff off and went over to Noah's school.  His class was having a Tea Party.  I don't know what prompted that but they were having one and Noah was very excited.  He has been talking about this since Wednesday.  Many of the parents from Noah's class were there.  Noah's friend Cole was wearing a sleeveless shirt.  His parents told us that he made them get him those kind of shirts because Noah wears them sometimes.  They had pudding for the parents as well as cookies, tea and lemonade.  Noah helped pour lemonade for Rachel and me.  The kids in Noah's class sang a song for us.

Noah stayed home while Rachel picked Evan up from school.

This evening, Rachel and I went out for our anniversary.  Blanca watched the kids while we were gone.  They both were asleep when we got home.  Blanca said that Noah said he wasn't going to go to sleep until 11pm but I guess he couldn't make it that late.

Until next time...

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