Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Can I sit down now?

It was a busy day today.

We had our cleaning lady come today, but I had a ton of stuff to do this morning before she got here.  Evan was supposed to have cleaned his room last night, but it was not clean this morning.  Morry said Evan did clean his room, but played in there last night.  I was rushing around trying to get stuff off the floor and put away.

Noah had an appointment with his therapist today.  That lasted a little over an hour.

After that I wanted to take Noah to the Little Gym for a make up class, but the class was full.

We came home for just a little bit.  I had to do a few things and make some phone calls.

Then, we went to HEB and had a lot of groceries to buy.

We got home and I quickly put the freezer/fridge food away.  Then, we rode the bike to get Evan.

We came home and I put the rest of the groceries away.  I got snacks for the boys, and then I was finally able to eat lunch.

I was able to rest a little once Morry got home.

I made crock pot chicken and then we had roasted garlic and bread and salad.  The therapist was coming over to our house around 6:30 to observe so we wanted to have dinner ready by then so she could see everything.

She stayed through the boys bedtime.  She's going to meet with us next and go over some ideas and the results from Noah's testing.

The boys are in bed now and I think they are asleep.

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