Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Busy Saturday - Part Three

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Today we had yet another non-stop Saturday.  The difference between today and the previous two Saturdays is that it started later.  Evan did not have a 9am game.  In fact the first thing we had to do was Noah's Karate at 11am.  But from that point on we were doing something.

Grandma and Papa took a separate car than us to Noah's karate.  After karate, we had an appointment with a new person for Noah to see.  So Grandma and Papa were going to take Evan back home after karate.  As we were sitting in karate, I got a call from the alarm company.  Our house alarm had been going off.  It turns out that Noah who had gone out the front door when Evan was playing baseball in the front yard, had not closed the front door properly.  So shortly after we had left the door blew open.  I came home, closed the door, locked it and turned around to drive back in time to get Rachel and Noah and drive to the appointment.

The appointment went well and as it was the initial appointment, it was nearly an hour and 45 minutes.  From there, we met Grandma and Papa at Bruegger's Bagels.

Evan and I raced through lunch as I was volunteering at the concession stand at the baseball fields.  Evan's friend Jack's dad was going to be there as was our coach and his wife.  Their son Josh is the boy who came over to our house last week and he was going to be there too.  So I brought Evan and the three boys (along with Jack's sister Audrey) played while we worked the concession stand.  At the end, Evan and Josh actually helped.

As soon as that was over, Evan and I drove up to Barnes and Noble in the Arboretum to meet Rachel, Grandma and Papa.  They were meeting Aunt Susan there.

We stayed at Barnes and Noble for a bit and then drove to Rudy's for dinner.

The boys were well-behaved at Rudy's.  Evan and I were "watching" the Pirates game on my phone.  It was just the ESPN GameCast which shows the current batter and the current pitch.

We came home, gave the boys a shower and put them to bed.  Then Rachel and I went out to see the Five Year Engagement.  I thought it was really funny.  Rachel thought it was ok.  It was a bit long.

Now we're finally home and ready to go to bed.

Until next time...

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