Monday, May 7, 2012

Bike and Tennis

This morning Noah and I rode the bike to his school.  He liked that.  It looked like it might rain, but we were ok.  I made it there and back and it didn't rain.  It actually got sunny and hot today.

Now, it looks like it might rain.

Anyway, while Noah was at school I met Morry for lunch downtown.  We ate at a kebab trailer.  It was good. There was an area in a parking lot with about 4 food trailers and it was packed with people.

On the way to get Noah from school I stopped and picked up a few things at HEB.

I got Noah and then shortly after we rode the bike to get Evan at school.

At 4pm the boys had tennis lessons.  Both boys did well, but Noah did really well.  They let him use both hands (which they allow for the young kids) and he did very well.  They said he was the most improved today.

The boys saw a turkey vulture in our yard today.  At first Evan thought was a hawk.  We looked on the internet and figured out it was a turkey vulture. The boys were very excited by it.  It was eating a dead squirrel (in our front yard).  

For dinner we had leftover Rudy's barbecue.

The boys had showers and now Morry is reading to them.

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