Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sports Class and Evan's Friend

Today was a typical Thursday for most part. Noah and I hung out at home in the morning. I wanted to walk or run but it was raining pretty much all morning.

I got some cleaning done around the house.

At 12:30 Morry, Noah, and I went to Sports Class. Noah had fun, like always.

We came home for just a little bit and then went to get Evan. We parked at the trail and walked even though it was misting. I knew the front of the school would be crowded.

After school Evan's friend Ben came over to play. At first the boys were pretty mellow. They watched TV and ate their snacks upstairs. Then, they got a second wind and were running around. They were good, but just really active. Ben's mom came around 5:30 to pick him up.

For dinner we had tortilla soup and pasta.

Tonight was clean up night. Noah cleaned up well, but Evan was crying a lot because I put his Legos away. I didn't take apart anything. I just put them all in the box. He was upset for some reason.

The boys have been put to bed, but I hear Noah talking upstairs to Morry.

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