Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Freezing (literally)

This morning I had to get both boys up and dressed in time to take Evan to school. Noah was not in a good mood. It was cold. I was in the upper 20s this morning. We parked at the path and walked to school the back way. Noah was crying and whining the whole way.

Noah and I came home for a little bit and played Go Fish. Then, it was time to take him to school.

After I picked up Noah from school we went to the library. We got some CDs from the library. One was the Annie soundtrack (one of my favorites). I put in on for Noah in the car. He liked the first 2 songs, but then fell asleep in the car.

We had just a few minutes at home. I tried to get Noah up, but he wanted to sleep in the car.

We picked up Evan from school.

Gabby came over so I could tutor. I got dinner ready for the boys so Gabby could feed them while I was gone.

When I got home from tutoring the boys we ready for bed and coloring with crayons with Gabby.

Evan and Noah have now bed put to bed, but Noah's still awake and downstairs for some reason.

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