Friday, December 30, 2011

Attempted Ice Skating

We planned on going ice skating today. We got a coupon deal a few weeks ago and chose today to use it. The Oasis (the restaurant on the lake) has now expanded into a whole shopping center. They put in an outdoor ice skating rink for the holidays.

We decided to go close to 11, when it was opening. Noah gets cranky in the afternoon and we figured that was our best bet. As we were getting ready to leave the house Noah said he didn't want to go. He said he'd rather stay at home with Blanca. I tried getting a hold of Blanca, but she wasn't available right then. We gave Noah the choice of Clubhouse for Kids or ice skating and he decided to come with us.

When we got there the small rink had a lot of people on it. It was pretty crowded. Both boys were not in good moods. They went around the rink a few times and then started whining for hot chocolate (which neither of them drink). We did not get any right then because we would have to take off our skates to go to the restaurant next door. Noah sat on the bench while we skated then he decided he was ready to skate some more. The boys did a little better toward the end, but still weren't in great moods. We took off our skates and picked up a hot chocolate for Morry and Evan to share. I'm not sure Evan drank his.

I packed a lunch for the boys because I thought maybe we would eat there. We decided just to leave after ice skating and Evan and Noah ate their lunch in the car.

When we got home Morry and I ate lunch and the boys had nap time. I did some cleaning/organizing.

Morry met Dimitry at 4:30 and then picked up food for us on his way home. Morry got Freddy's and I got Panera.

Tonight was clean up night. I heard a lot of screaming and whining upstairs. I was getting the cookie dough ready for tomorrow.

Time to get the boys to bed. It's been a long day.

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