Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hanukkah at Central Market

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Rachel and I slept in until around 10.  The boys played well in the game room, though Noah did come in several times to talk to Rachel.

Rachel met her friend Melissa for lunch at 11am at the Omelettry.  We had never eaten there.  She said it was pretty good.

Meanwhile, I gave the boys lunch.  They behaved fairly well for me.

Close to 1pm I met Rachel at Central Market.  They had advertised they were having a Hanukkah celebration with face painting, arts and crafts, music, dreidel games, etc...  When we got there, one hour after the scheduled start, there was barely anything going on.  There was a band playing with a large Menorah behind them but not one was watching them.  We let the boys play on the playground for a while and finally we saw a lady setting up an arts and crafts table.  The boys made a dreidel and a menorah.  Eventually some girls from some dance team performed and then another band and choir played.  They said there was no face painting and the dreidel games amounted to each child getting a dreidel and two pieces of chocolate gelt.  All in all it was pretty lame and pretty disappointing.

We came home and the boys rested for awhile.

For dinner I made oven-baked fried chicken.

We gave the kids baths and they are in bed now.

Until next time...

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