Thursday, October 27, 2011


Hello everyone, this is Morry.

They have been predicting that a cold front would come in today.  Even last night they said that today's high was going to be 62.  When I got up I got dressed warmly to take Evan to school.  There was only one problem.  The cold front did not arrive until 5:30pm.  It was still in the 70s this morning.

I took Evan to school.  When I came back I mailed a letter at the mailbox.  As I was walking back to the house I saw Noah looking out of the gameroom window waving to me.  I got breakfast for the two of us and then I went to work.

Rachel got up and ended up going for a walk with Noah (after Noah got over throwing a fit that he didn't want to walk).

Rachel then cleaned, mopped the kitchen floor and straightened up.

We had lunch and then we left the house to go to Noah's sports class.  On the way, my cell phone rang but I didn't look at it since I was driving.  Then Blanca called Rachel's phone to tell her that the front door was open to the house and the alarm was going off.  The missed call was from the alarm company.  I quickly dropped Noah and Rachel off and got home as the police were pulling up.  Since the front door was open, they police wanted to check the house.  It was crazy - like TV.  They went in each room yelling "Austin Police" and then checked it real quick.  The only difference was their guns were not drawn.  Lizzy really liked them.  I had been concerned that Lizzy might leave the house but she hadn't.  When Rachel mopped, she went out the front door to dump the water.  Noah went with her.  We think that Noah was the last one in and he probably didn't shut the door well and definitely didn't lock it.  I guess the wind blew it open.  It must have closed enough that we could turn the alarm on.

After sports class, Rachel and Noah went and picked Evan up from school and then met Yenis and Kevin for frozen yogurt and they played at the park.

They came home and we left to pick Zayde up at the airport.  The boys were excited to see him.

We ate at Logan's for dinner and we got home late.  The boys said they were tired.

Now they are in bed and quiet.

Until next time...

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