Monday, October 24, 2011


I spent a lot of time on Mopac today. I did a bunch of back and forth driving.

After dropping Noah off at school I was able to do a short 2 mile run. Then, I went to Texas Oncology for a check up. Everything looked good.

Noah's class was outside when I picked him up. He had climbed up to the top of the playscape and wasn't going to come down until I got there. He wanted to show me how high he could go.

We came home for a little bit and then it was time to get Evan.

At home, Noah relaxed in the guest room while Evan and I played outside.

Blanca came at 3:45 and I tutored.

I came home at 5:45. Evan's baseball practice is from 5:30-6:30 on Mondays. The plan was for Morry to take him to practice, but he got stuck in traffic. I needed to take the boys to the baseball practice and Morry met us there. We got there about 6pm so Evan was still able to get some good practice in.

Noah and I came home right after the practice to get dinner ready. Morry and Evan stayed a few more minutes.

For dinner we had Coke ham and rice.

We were supposed to do clean up night last night, but we moved it to today. Noah threw a major fit and wouldn't clean up.

Both boys are in bed now, but not asleep yet.

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