Thursday, October 20, 2011

Noah's Friend

This morning Noah's friend, Cole, came over to play at our house. They had a great time together and really played well. Cole speaks very well and they both talked a lot. It was very cute. Cole's mom picked him up around 11am.

Noah and I ate lunch and then went to sports class. Noah loves going to the Little Gym.

After sports class we went to HEB to pick up a few groceries including Halloween candy.

We went straight from there to pick up Evan from school.

When we got home Evan wanted to put the Halloween candy in a bowl. I usually do that with them on Halloween. Evan said he didn't want to wait. It wasn't worth a fight. So now, our candy bowl is all ready for Halloween.

For dinner, we had roasted garlic with bread. I had my leftover fish from last night and Morry had a rotisserie chicken I picked up at HEB today.

We just read to the boys and now they are supposed to be in bed.

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