Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Good Noah

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Today the temperature dropped considerably.  It was around 60 this morning when I took Evan to school.  We both wore sweatshirts into the school.  Evan wore jeans for the first time since school started.

When I got home, I did some work and left around 9 for a meeting with StoredIQ.

Noah got up after I left and got himself dressed.  He and Rachel went out in the backyard for a bit and then they went to Central Market.  At Central Market, they had these real small pickles.  Noah tried them and loved them so they bought some.

When they got home, Noah told me that he was "very good" at Central Market.

Rachel left shortly after picking Evan up and Kim came over to babysit.

At 5:40, we left for Evan's football practice.  It was like night and day with how he performed today at practice vs the game.  He was very good today.  He was paying attention and running fast.  Their belts have two flags, one on either hip.  At the end, they had a "last man standing" and let the kids run around in a square without going out of bounds.  They had to pull everyone's flags off.  When you lost both flags you were out.  It ended up down to three kids - Evan and two others.  Evan had this massive collection of flags he had pulled.  One boy had two flags in and Evan and the other had one.  Neither of the boys with one flag could catch the one with two flags and eventually they turned on each other.  Evan and the boy pulled each other's last flag out at the same time.  But the coach said Evan won for collecting the most flags.  Evan was very happy.

We came home and had dinner.

Rachel just read to the boys.  Apparently, I've lost my job as book reader.

Until next time...

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