Sunday, July 12, 2009

Soccer and the Zoo

Last night was horrible. Lizzy woke us up almost every hour to go out. Each time she was up, it woke up Noah too. Morry and I took turns letting Lizzy out, but we still didn’t get much sleep. We are wondering if maybe her stomach was bothering her? Then, Evan woke up around 7am.

We took Evan to soccer. He did very well and was paying attention most of the time.

We had planned on going to San Antonio after soccer. We were going to go to the San Antonio Zoo. We decided not to go for 2 reasons. We were both very tired and it was pretty hot outside. We decided just to go to the Austin zoo instead. The Austin zoo is about 10 minutes from our house and we have a membership there.

I packed a picnic lunch for us and then we went to the zoo. When we got there we found a picnic table in shade and ate our lunch. Evan and Noah seemed to enjoy sitting at the table and eating lunch. A few peacocks and a rooster came right up to us. One of the peacocks even ate some of the veggie booty that Noah had dropped by his feet. After eating, we walked around a little. Noah was getting cranky, Evan had to go to the bathroom, and we were all pretty hot. We took Evan to the bathroom and then drove back home. Evan was crying and throwing a fit the whole way home. We are not sure what he wanted.

Evan and Noah took naps.

We made spaghetti (all we had in the house).

Evan and Noah just had baths and now they are in bed.

Let’s hope for a better night tonight.

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