Friday, July 3, 2009

Full Day and Fireworks

This morning Evan woke up around 8:30 and came in my room. We got dressed, finished packing, ate breakfast. Then, Grandma, Papa, Evan, Noah, Lizzy, and I drove back a full car to Austin.

We only stopped once to get gas and lunch. Since Lizzy was with us and I didn’t want her sitting in a hot car, we ate lunch at a picnic table with Lizzy. It worked out well and gave the boys a break from sitting in the car. Traffic was sort of bad and it took us about 5 hours to get home. Normally it takes about 3 ½ hours.

Evan and Noah were very excited to see Morry and be home.

For dinner we went to California Pizza Kitchen and then heard Mr. Fabulous, a swing band play outside in the shopping center. It was very nice and the boys enjoyed running around and playing.

Every 3rd of July the golf course near us shoots off fireworks. We get a great view from our street. When we got home it was just getting dark outside. We grabbed folding chairs and set up on the driveway. We talked to some of the neighbors and then the fireworks started. Right away, Evan was scared and hung on to Morry, facing backwards, the whole time. Noah was a little scared, but watched most of the fireworks.

The boys are in bed now. It’s nice to be home. I hope they sleep well tonight.

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