Monday, July 6, 2009

Doctor, CVS, and Newflower

Evan was up at 6:24 am this crying for Daddy and did not go back to sleep.

This morning I made a doctor’s appointment for Evan. He’s had this little bump on his butt for a while, but the last week he’s been scratching it and it got bigger and more irritated. I was able to make an appointment for 9:45. Evan, Noah, and I went to the doctor. It took a while. We were there for about an hour. The doctor said Evan has Molluscum Contagiosum, a skin condition that causes raised, round, bumps on the skin. We have to give him an antibiotic cream 3 times a day for a few days.

After the doctor we went to CVS. There were a lot of items on sale there that we needed. We were there about an hour. Evan was not well behaved and it made the shopping take extra long. I also had to take him to the bathroom twice. I guess it’s not in a good neighborhood because when I was trying to get out to the car I realized the shopping carts don’t fit through the door. I had lots of big items (toilet paper, paper towels, ..). There was no way I was going to be able to get that stuff and the boys to the car without a cart. The checkout guy offered to help me to the car. That was very nice of him, but I was annoyed at the store.

Then, we went to Newflower, across the street. I got our groceries for the week and also got some good deals there. Evan and Noah were better behaved there. I gave them both apples to eat to keep them busy. After checkout I took the boys to the bakery to get their free cookie (kids get free cookies).

We came home, ate lunch, and the boys took good naps.

For dinner, we ate rotisserie chicken and leftover potatoes.

After dinner, I made Morry run with me. :)

I want to try and start exercising more. Maybe we’ll try running after dinner and see how that works out.

Evan and Noah are in bed now, but Evan is still awake.

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