Thursday, July 30, 2009

Last Day of School

Evan woke up early again and Morry got him set up in the game room before he left for work.

We were late getting to school this morning. Noah slept until about 9:30. I didn’t want to wake him up. I let him sleep until 9:30 and finally I woke him up so I could get Evan to school.

Riley came over from 10-12. Noah cried for about the first 30 minutes, but then he eventually calmed down. I did a lot of cleaning while Riley was here. It had been a while since the house was really cleaned. I cleaned the bathrooms, vacuumed and mopped the whole house, dusted, … I did that all in about the 2 hours Riley was here. I was really exhausted by the time she left. Right after Riley left, Noah and I went to Evan’s school. It was Evan’s last day of school (until September), so they had a little pizza party. Noah had a great time with all the big kids. He even sat at the table with them for lunch. After lunch the kids had cupcakes and cookies. Both Evan and Noah loved the cookies. Who knows how many Evan ate.

When we got home I put Evan and Noah down for naps. Noah fell asleep pretty much right away. It started raining (finally) pretty hard and we had some thunder and lightening. Evan got scared and didn’t want to take a nap, so I let him watch TV for a little bit. Then, I tried again to put him down for a nap, but he refused. I was really tired and needed a nap so, I let him watch tv in the game room while I tried to lie down. A few minutes later Evan was in our room because he heard thunder. I asked if he wanted to come in bed, but he said no. He ended up falling asleep on the floor in our room. As soon as Evan fell asleep Noah woke up.

I brought Noah downstairs and tried to fold laundry. It took me about 4 times as long as usual because Noah kept grabbing clothes I had already folded.

Evan got up and while Evan and Noah played I got dinner ready.

Morry came home and we had corned beef and potatoes for dinner.

For dessert we went to Wendy’s for Frosties. We had 2 $1 off coupons and a $5 gift card I had won a while ago, but just got in the mail a few days ago. So, we had free dessert and still have $1something left on the card.

We just put Evan and Noah to bed and it seems to be quiet.

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