Friday, February 27, 2009

Noah’s first word

This morning we went to playgroup. It was a house real close to ours, but we drove since I had some things to do after and we had Evan’s bike with us. The house is in a cul-de-sac and the mom asked us to bring the kid’s bikes so they could ride around. The kids played both inside and outside. Inside, the mom put out some food. Evan didn’t eat much, but Noah had a great time sitting at the table eating the big kid food. Noah ate fruit, bread, and some cinnamon roll. Outside, Evan rode his bike for a while and then he played with one of the kid’s motorized car. It took him a little while to figure out the pedal, backwards, forwards, steering, … but by the end he was doing a lot better. Evan enjoyed driving Marissa around.

After playgroup we went to HEB. We were pretty hot since we had been playing outside and it was in the 80s. At HEB they have a little café with an Icee machine. I got Icees for Evan and me. Evan was very excited. He drank his while sitting in the cart with Noah. Evan and I shared our Icees with Noah. Somehow Noah got Icee all over the place, but he did seem to like it a lot.

At home, I fed Noah lunch, but Evan didn’t want to eat anything.

I put them down for naps. It took Evan a while to fall asleep.

When Morry got home the boys were starting to wake up from their naps. When I went to get Evan he didn’t look good and felt warm. I took his temperature and it was 101 degrees.

We went to dinner at a place called Mandola’s in the Triangle. The Triangle is an area of town where they have shops and restaurants with apartments on top. We had a nice time at dinner. It was pretty crowded since the weather was nice. I grabbed a table with Noah while Morry and Evan stood in line and ordered our food. We were able to sit outside. Noah ate very well, but Evan didn’t eat much. He must not have been feeling well. At dinner I took a picture of Evan, Noah, and Morry. I asked Evan to say “cheese” and it sounded like Noah was saying “cheese” too.

After we finished eating we went over to see the water fountain. I took out the camera to take a picture, and without me even saying anything, Noah started to say, “cheese!”. So, Noah’s first official word is “cheese.” Very fitting since he loves having his picture taken.

After dinner we went to Yogurt Planet, a neat frozen yogurt shop. They had many flavors of yogurt and toppings to choose from. You get your own yogurt and toppings and just pay by the pound. We had fun making our yogurts. Before we walked in the store Evan said he was hungry and he wanted yogurt. We made a fruity one for Evan but he didn’t eat much. He really wasn’t feeling well.

We just put Evan and Noah to bed. Evan still had a fever so we gave him some medicine. Hopefully he feels better tomorrow. Poor little guy.


Anonymous said...

You know, there's a real pattern here... Evan doesn't eat, but Noah does. Cute pictures!

Anonymous said...

Pink Mustang!! How fun!! They are both so cute! I can't wait to see them both!!!