Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Zoo

Last night it was very windy and Lizzy woke us up around 3am. She was whining and shaking. Something was really scaring her. She acted like this last time it was really windy out. There is a tree that was scraping the window when the wind blew and we believe it was making a noise that she didn’t like.

This morning we were woken by the dog next door. The barking was better for a while, but suddenly he has started barking more.

The weather was very nice today. I wanted to do something outside with Evan and Noah. I asked Evan where he wanted to go. I gave him a few choices and he chose the zoo.

At the zoo we bought a bag of animal food for $1. They have a few different cages where you can feed and/or go in with the animals. We stopped first at the goats and sheep. Evan fed some of them and we went in the fence with the goats. Noah liked petting the goat.

Then, we rode the train. They have a little 15 minute train ride that goes around the outside of the zoo. You don’t see many animals, but lots of nice scenery. Evan and Noah loved the train. There was a mom and two little girls sitting behind us and Noah kept turning around to smile at them.

Next, Evan said he wanted to see the pigs. We watched the pigs for a while and then went to other parts of the zoo. Evan found the monkeys most interesting. We sat there for a while. Evan also liked the parrot (or some kind of talking bird). He thought it was very funny when the parrot would say, “hello” or meow like a cat. After we saw all the animals we went back to the area where you can feed them. Evan fed the deer for a long time.

Evan was very well behaved the whole time at the zoo. When it was time to leave, he didn’t even throw a fit.

We came home for lunch and naps. Noah napped, but Evan didn’t.

I had a student come to the house from 5:00-6:30 and then we ate dinner.

Evan and Noah are playing with Morry now. We’ll put them to bed in a little bit.

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