Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentine’s Party

We got a late start this morning. Evan’s school starts at 9:00am, but the boys didn’t wake up until almost 9:00. I wanted to let them sleep. They both needed it. By the time we got to school it was almost 10:00. Evan gave me a hard time when it was time to leave the house. He wouldn’t let me put his shoes on, and then he didn’t want to get in the car. I told him I was going to get in the car with Noah. I left him in the house while I put Noah in the car in the garage. I couldn’t carry them both out to the car anyway. Evan was really crying. I think he thought we were really going to leave him.

Evan had his little Valentine’s party at school. Parents were invited, so Morry and I got there at 12:30. The kids got Valentine ’s Day cards from each other and decorated cookies. Evan was very excited to see Morry at school. We let Noah stand up at the table where all the kids were seating. Noah kept eating cookie crumbs off the table.

When Morry got home we ate hamburgers for dinner and then went to the mall. We needed to get a gift for someone so we went to Children’s Place in the mall. Evan and Noah had fun playing with the toys at Children’s Place. Evan did not want to leave. As we were walking out of the mall he had a scour on his face and was whiny. We passed the cookie store and decided to get some cookies. We asked Evan if we wanted to pick out a cookie and all of the sudden his mood changed. He was happy and running around. Morry and Evan picked out the same sugar cookies and I picked chocolate chip. We let Evan eat his cookie on the way home.

It’s about 9:30 and just put the boys to bed. It sounds like both are still awake.

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