Sunday, November 25, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018

We had a fun week celebrating Thanksgiving with the family.

Sherah's family stayed with us from Wednesday through Saturday.

Thursday for Thanksgiving we went to Aunt Sandy and Uncle Marvin's house.

Friday night we had dinner at Grandma and Papa's house.

Saturday lunch was also at Grandma and Papa's.

Today, we mostly took it easy.  We had been petsitting for Luna and her family picked her up last night.  This morning we petsat for Nikko, our neighbor's Golden Retriever, while they moved to their new house.

Morry and I took the dogs on a long walk.

This afternoon the boys decorated shirts and a hat.

Then, they watched the Steelers game.

For dinner, we went to a Chinese restaurant with Grandma and Papa.

Now we are getting ready to go back to work and school tomorrow.

Here are some pictures from the last few days.

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