Thursday, November 1, 2018

Camp Champions

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

The fifth grade class always goes to a place called Camp Champions.  They stay one night in cabins there and they do outdoor activities.  I think they may learn some science-type stuff.  Evan went two years ago and Noah's class is there now.  I had to get him to school no later than 7am this morning.  We got there around 6:50am.  He was not even close to the first kid there.

I got home in time to say goodbye to Rachel when she left for school.  Evan left for the bus shortly after.

I did some work and then went into Touch To.

I came home so I could have time to eat lunch and then pick Noah up from school only to remember that I didn't need to pick Noah up from school.  Rachel was already home and she was resting.

After Evan got home, I took him for another doctor/therapy appointment for his arm.  It's looking good and he doesn't have any restrictions playing this weekend.  We came home and we were able to have a catch without any arm pain.  All of that is good news.

We had dinner together.  Then Rachel brushed both Chewie and Calvin.  Rachel is starting to do that because both of them have longer fur and get knots in their fur.

Evan is upstairs and Rachel is doing some work.

Until next time...

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