Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Tuesdays are Rachel's early day so she can't walk Noah to school.  Noah and I walked with Chewie.  It was around 33 degrees when we walked, but there was very little wind so it didn't feel bad.

I went into Touch To and worked from there today.

I came home in the early afternoon and did more work before walking to pick Noah up.  Rachel had a staff meeting so she didn't come home.  She also had to run into Charles Maund to renew the car.

We needed to go to HEB since we hadn't been there for shopping in more than a week.  Evan arranged to play basketball with his friend who lives near HEB.  I dropped Evan off there and Noah and I did the shopping.  It was a big shopping trip as we needed quite a bit.  I picked Evan up on the way home.

Rachel was home when we got home.  We unloaded the dishes and made dinner.

Right now, Rachel is doing some work while the boys play on the Playstation.

Until next time...

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