Saturday, November 19, 2016


This morning we slept in and took it easy.

Around lunch time we drove over to the University of Texas and walked around campus.

For a late lunch we went to Wild Wood Bakehouse, a gluten-free restaurant/bakery.  The food was good and the kids ate well, but it took a very long time.  We got some bakery items to go after eating.

Evan had a birthday party to go to from 3:30-6.  It was after 4pm by the time we got there.  We dropped him off at the park where the birthday party was and then came home.

Morry packed an overnight bag for Evan and left to go back to the party.

I cleaned around the house and baked cookies and rice crispy treats for tonight.

Morry picked up Evan from the party and from there took him to Josh's house to spend the night.

Noah and I went over to Grandma and Papa's house.

Michael, Jen, Maya, and Artie arrived around 7pm.

We all had dinner together that Grandma and Papa made - brisket, potatoes, squash.

The kids had fun playing together after dinner.

We just got home.

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