Friday, November 4, 2016

Brunch and Evan's home again

Evan still wasn't feeling well this morning, so he stayed home yet another day.  I walked Noah to school while Morry called the doctor.

When I got back I went to HEB and got ready for the brunch I was having for some friends.  Mom/Grandma came over to help get everything ready.

It was a nice get-together.

Morry and I walked to get Noah from school.  On the way home he decided he wanted to hang out at Grandma and Papa's house, so we watched him cross the street and he walked over to their house.

Finally, in the afternoon Evan started feeling better.

Evan went with Morry and Noah to Noah's football practice.  Evan was playing on the basketball court and made a really good shot.

For dinner, they picked up Dominos pizza (gluten-free for Evan).

We watched Timeless as we ate dinner.

Now the boys are getting ready for bed.

Here is a picture from the brunch.

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