Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Busy, Busy

This morning we walked the kids to school.

When we got back home Morry took Jack to the airport and I went to HEB.  We needed groceries badly.

When I got home, Morry was back and we quickly put the refrigerated items away.

Then, we went to the later Camp Gladiator class.

We walked to pick up the boys from school.

On our way home, Noah asked if he could go straight to Grandma and Papa's house instead of waiting until 4pm.  So, he went over there right after school on our walk home.

I left the house around 3:30.   First, I voted and then tutored two students.

Morry and Evan went to baseball practice.

I picked up Noah from Grandma and Papa's house around 7:30pm.

Morry and Evan got home around 8pm.

It's been a long day for all of us.

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