Monday, January 4, 2016


Hello everyone, this is Morry.

We arrived at the surgery center just before 6am this morning.  We were the first ones there.  In fact, it hadn't even opened.  We only waited a couple minutes before they let us in.

It didn't take long for them to take Noah back.  They asked all the prerequisite pre-op questions.  They did not put the IV into Noah while he was awake.  So he got up on the bed and was excited for them to wheel him on the bed.  He actually was excited about the whole thing.  They wheeled him back at almost exactly 7am.

They put us in a room where Noah would come after surgery.  At 7:26am, the doctor came in to tell us the surgery was a success.  They were going to let him sleep a bit and then wheel him in to be with us.

When they brought him in, he was asleep.  They said that they had woken him up and given him medication though he spit some of it out.  About 20 minutes after they brought him in, he woke up.  At first he was fine but then he swallowed and he was very upset by the pain.  We still had to wait about another hour before he was discharged.

Noah fell asleep on the way home.  We dropped off his prescriptions at HEB.

We put Noah in bed when we were home and he slept.  After I picked up his prescriptions, we woke him up to give him his pain medication.  Shortly thereafter, once the pain medication kicked in, Noah sat up and started playing with his iPad.  Noah got a timely knock on the door with a Lego set he had bought.  He got up and has been building that the rest of the day.

Evan came home with Grandma later in the afternoon.  Evan helped Noah (a little) with the Legos.

We had leftover Rudy's for dinner.  Now both boys are upstairs.  Noah is still working on the Lego set.

Until next time...

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