Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Minivan Blues

This morning we walked the kids to school.  It seemed colder and grayer than yesterday and not as many people were out walking.

After dropping off the kids Morry and I took my car to the Honda dealer.  I had been having some electronic issues with it and needed an oil change.  He drove me back home and we left the car there.

We walked to pick up Evan and Jack from school.  Noah went home with his friend Jude.

I tutored Jack and Audrey.

Noah was dropped off at home around 5pm.  He seemed to have a good time.

My car is still not ready.  They haven't figured out the problem yet.

For dinner we had tacos and rice.

In a few minutes we will play a game a Clue and then the boys will get ready for bed.

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