Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Lizzy's New Friend

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

On the walk to school this morning, I carried Evan's Science Fair Project Board, while Rachel held Lizzy.  But Rachel walked the boys down the trail to school while I held Lizzy.  While I was holding Lizzy, one of Evan's friends from second grade, Colby, got to the trail.  He was walking with his mom and his 16-week-old puppy.  It was an Australian Shepherd.  Lizzy got very excited and wanted to see the dog, Tucker.  Tucker was scared of Lizzy.  When Lizzy couldn't sniff Tucker, she barked which scared Tucker even more.  But then Colby's mom bent down and pet Lizzy.  When Tucker saw this he came up to Lizzy and the two dogs were sniffing and jumping around together.  Lizzy was hyper the entire way home after that.

When we got home, Rachel went for a run.  I went into Aaron's to work together on some things.

At lunch, Rachel went out with Deborah and one of Deborah's friends.  The friend happens to be a veterinarian who used to work out our vet office.  She saw both Lizzy and Mottel many times, although that was many years ago. She didn't remember Rachel.

On my way home, I stopped at Smoothie King.  Normally, I park in front of Smoothie King but all the spots were taken.  I had to drive around the corner and park at Torchy's.  As I was getting out of the car, I saw the door to the car parked next to me open up.  It turns out it was Daniel, Darius' dad.  He told me he had just gotten tacos but his car wouldn't start.  I guess his battery died.  He had just called his wife when I pulled up.  So it worked out that I could give him a ride home.  He was just going to leave the car there until after school when he could go out with his wife to start it.  It's amazing because if I had parked where I normally park, I wouldn't have seen him.

Rachel went to tutor so I walked to get the boys.  The boys said they wanted to go to Grandma and Papa's after school.  We came home and they did their homework and then started walking and then Grandma met them.  I guess they played Monopoly and ganged up on Grandma again.  Rachel picked them up on the way home for tutoring.

After dinner, we played Clue.

The boys are getting ready for bed.

Until next time...

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