Monday, March 2, 2015

Gray Day

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

The bad weather continued here.  It was cold and just wet out.  It never really rained, just misted all day long.  We drove to school to drop the boys off in the morning.

Rachel and I stayed home all day.

When I went to pick the boys up, Rachel left to tutor.  I drove to get them.  Right before I left, Wade's mom texted Rachel to see if Evan could come over and play after school.  So when Evan and Noah came out, I walked Evan over to where Wade's mom was waiting and he went home with them.

Just before dinner, Noah and I picked Evan up.  It looked like he had a good time.  They actually were outside, though when we got home, Evan wanted to change his clothes because he said he was all wet.

For dinner, Evan had pasta and I grilled a hamburger for Noah.  Rachel and I will have hamburgers when she gets home for tutoring.  The boys watched the end of Pink Panther 2 and they started Billy Madison.

Evan is finishing his homework now and Noah has gone upstairs to his room.

Until next time...

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