Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Book Fair

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning was finally nice enough to walk to school.  The time change seems to have messed with Lizzy.  When we were leaving she was still sleeping.  We had to wake her up to come with us.  It was pretty dark when we walked but it was still nice.

Later in the morning I ran out to Aaron's and Deborah came over to work with Lizzy a bit more.

In the afternoon, Rachel and I walked to pick the boys up from school.  We didn't bring Lizzy because the boys wanted to go to the book fair after school.  We let the boys each pick out $15 worth of books.  Noah got two books and Evan managed to get four books with that money.

Rachel tutored in the afternoon.  Evan went outside for a while and played with kids from the neighborhood.

I made pasta for dinner and I grilled bratwurst for Noah.  Noah really liked it.

Evan and Noah and now upstairs getting ready for bed.

Until next time...

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