Sunday, July 27, 2014

Walk and Flash Gaining Confidence

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning the boys came down and played Wii when they woke up.  When Rachel and I came downstairs we felt we should do something outside before it got too hot.  We drove over to the shopping center where Smoothie King is where they have a trail around it.  We brought Lizzy and took a walk along the trail.  At the end we got smoothies.  Lizzy came into the store with us since I knew the woman working there.

Later in the afternoon, the boys and I watched Lost World, which is Jurassic Park 2.  They liked it but not as much as the original.

After that, Rachel carried Flash downstairs.  She walked around downstairs with more confidence.  She and Calvin smelled each other at one point without any hissing.  Flash got on my lap while I was at my desk and climbed all over my desk and walked on my laptop keyboard.  She then went upstairs by herself.

For dinner, Rachel had some leftovers and I made some things for the boys and me.  We ate outside.

Then we drove to Rita's for dessert only to find that Rita's closed and is moving to way north Austin.  So we drove to a shaved ice play by the lake.  It wasn't nearly as good.

The boys are in their rooms now.

Until next time...

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