Sunday, July 20, 2014


Hello everyone this is Morry.

When I woke up the boys and Rachel were already up which is unusual.  The boys were downstairs with the Wii.

I did a bit of work while the boys played and Rachel got brunch ready.

Rachel found an app that could keep track of chores/tasks that the boys do.  You can assigned monetary amounts for each thing.  So we came up with a set of tasks that the boys can do - some weekly, some daily, etc...  When they complete them they go to Rachel's iPad and check them off.  If we approve then that amount of money is registered with them.  If they misbehave we can go in and assess a penalty to them which would deduct some money from what they've earned.  At our discretion, they can cash out what they have earned and we can mark that they've cashed out.  The boys really liked this idea and have been super helpful today. We'll see how well that works long term.

In the afternoon, the boys and I went down to the cul-de-sac.  Evan skated around using Rachel's rollerblades and shot a ball into a makeshift hockey goal.

Later in the afternoon, we watched Jurassic Park.  The boys really enjoyed that.

Before dinner, we went to HEB and the boys picked out some things they'd like to bring to lunch.  This week the boys have golf camp.

We had dinner and then went for a walk.

The boys are upstairs now.

Until next time...

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