Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Rockies - Game 1

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Noah seemed very tired when I got him up this morning.  In fact, after I got him dressed he wouldn't come downstairs with me.  I checked on him a few minutes later and he was sleeping on his floor.  Once we got him going he was fine.

Rachel ran to Sam's Club to get cupcakes for Noah's Birthday.  We're going to go to his school tomorrow and bring cupcakes for his classmates.  He's got a game in the evening and we'll bring cupcakes for his teammates.

I had to run to a quick meeting while Rachel was doing that.

Before Rachel went to tutoring, she found a new Roomba for sale on craigslist.  After two years of running daily and sometimes multiple times per day, our Roomba broke down.  Rachel met an older gentleman and got a newer model of Roomba.

I picked the boys up from school and we walked home.

Noah's team had their first game tonight.  Noah, Evan and I went over to the fields early and I worked with the kids on hitting for warm ups.  Noah played very well in the game.  In the first inning he really hit the ball hard, right back up the middle into center field.  Two runs scored from his hit.  I had him as pitcher in the first inning and he fielded several balls though they didn't turn into outs.  The next time up, he hit another ball into the outfield and knocked in two more runs.  Later in the game he played shortstop and fielded several balls cleanly.  It was one of the best games I've seen him play.   And the big thing is that he looked like he had fun doing it. Unfortunately, we lost.  The team played well though.

One of Evan and Noah's old coaches, Troy, was coaching in the game after us.  It was good to see him.  Evan and Noah both said hi to him.

We came home had dinners, the boys then had showers and now they are in bed.

Until next time...

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