Thursday, November 14, 2013

Snacks in the Tree

This morning we drove the kids to school. We actually drove to the community center and then walked the path to school.  According to my phone it was 28 degrees.

I had a muscle activation appointment today.

We walked to get the kids at school.  Noah was happy at pickup.  For some reason he started getting really cranky as we were leaving.  He was mad at Morry and was hitting him.  Then, he wanted his snacks, but wouldn't ask nicely.  The hitting continues and Morry threatened to throw Noah's snacks in the woods.  Noah picked up a bunch of rocks and threw them at Morry, so Morry tossed Noah's snack baggie.  Morry threw it pretty high and it got stuck way up high in the trees.  It was pretty funny.  Well, Noah didn't think it was funny.  He continued to throw a fit pretty much the whole walk home.

Evan and Morry had baseball practice, so Noah and I stayed at home.  He was good for me.

Morry and Evan just got home and the boys are getting ready for bed.

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