Saturday, November 2, 2013

Baseball for a Party

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

I've complained about this before, but why do smoke detectors alert you of a low battery when you are sleeping?  Can they not build in a nice timer that says, it will wait until say, 10am, to alert you?  Or if they are worried you might not be home, maybe 7pm?  This morning was really bad because the smoke detector went off in my room.  Why is that bad?  Well besides the fact it was much louder for me, we have extra tall ceilings in our bedroom and the normal step ladder I have cannot reach the smoke detector.  The only way for me to reach it is to go in the garage and get a big ladder.  I did not want to do that at 5:30am when everyone else was sleeping.  But this made Lizzy go crazy.  She's very scared of that sound.  I just dealt with it and I did change it around 8:30am.  I would have liked to have slept in.

We stayed in the morning and played with the Wii.

We went and took a look around the Far West area with Zayde to show him where the JCC was and the other types of things.  We then went to lunch at a place called Austin Terrier.

From there we drove down south and stopped by an area with a house we found on Airbnb.

After that we went to some baseball fields.  A boy that we don't know was having a birthday party.  For his party, he wanted to have a baseball game.  So his parents got a field and put together a team but they needed a team to play so they asked Evan and Noah's former coach, Mario to put together a team.  Mario called me and asked if Evan would play in the game.  A bunch of kids from Evan's select team were playing on the two teams.  Evan seemed to have a very good time playing.  The fields were very nice.  I think everyone had fun and Zayde was able to see Evan play baseball.  Rachel, who had been in Dallas, came by for a bit of the game.  She drove straight to the fields from Dallas.  It was a great idea for a birthday party.  The kids all had a really good time.

We came home and Evan and I watched football for a bit while Zayde and Noah played Legos.

For dinner I picked up Yaghi's pizza for us.

The boys are now in bed.

Until next time...

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