Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Another very busy Wednesday

Before dropping off Noah at school we stopped at the post office.  Noah was in a pretty good mood.

I got stuff done around the house and went back to Noah's school at 12:45 for Noah's school play.  Morry came too.  Below is a video.  It was cute.  Noah played Indiana Jones.  Here is the story:

Heroes Find Gold

Written and Performed by:
Ajay as Superman                                               
Nolan as Leonardo                                    
Grant as The Hulk                                               
Cole as Rhinoceros
Noah as Indiana Jones
Nathan as Grant
Ben as Blue Ninja
Benton as Red Bird
Camp as the Native American
Caroline as the Princess
Marlo, Marley, & Kayla as the Robbers

“Once upon a time there was a princess named Caroline and a bunch of superheroes. The superheroes lived in a brown castle. They each had their own underground castle that looked like an ant pile.”

“One day, all the superheroes heard the princess calling for help. The princess noticed her jewelry was gone and she was being taken to jail. They came out of their castle to save the princess.

“The superheroes use their weapons to fight the bad guys. Indiana Jones uses his key to save the princess from jail, but the jail door is stuck so the rhinoceros uses his horn to push the door down! They lock the bad guys up and the jail door is closed forever.”

“They swing Caroline back to her home.” 

“After they save the princess they get a skull skeleton head – a crystal skull.  The superheroes go back to their castle and they find gold. The gold came from Caroline as a reward for saving her.”

“They all live happily ever after. The End.”

We came home and shortly after Gabby came over.

I left to tutor.

I got home around 5:30 and got the boys ready for Noah's baseball practice.  Morry had a late meeting so he couldn't take them.  

Both boys had fun at practice.  They had Evan helping catch balls in the outfield. 

Evan and Noah played with some of the other kids on the playground for a little while after practice.

When we got home I made dinner for the boys and then Morry got home. 

We just got them ready for bed and now we'll eat our dinner.

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