Monday, March 25, 2013

Noah stayed home, Evan played baseball

Hello everyone this is Morry.

This morning, I woke Evan up for school.  He went to bed with a very slight fever.  I took his temperature when I got him up and he didn't have a fever so I took him to school.  It was an unusually cold morning for Austin at this time of year - around 32 degrees.  The high was in the 60s though (again unusually low for the end of March)

When Noah woke up, he didn't want to go to school.  With Uncle Mike, Aunt Jen, Maya, Grandma and Papa here, Noah really wanted to stay home with everyone.  Perhaps he has senioritis or whatever you call it when he's nearing his pre-school graduation.  Rachel let him stay home.  Papa put together his Razor scooter for him.  Everyone went to pick Evan up from school.

Evan wasn't feeling 100% when he got home.  He didn't want to eat dinner before his game.  I took his temperature and it was normal.  I talked to Rachel and we decided he should go to his game.  Everyone was going to come see him play.  When we got there, I ran to the snack stand and bought him some candy called Sour Punch, cotton candy and a Powerade.  I figured he'd eat one of those things and get some sugar in him.  He ended up eating the Sour Punch.

I was not sure how the game would go, though Evan perked up being around his friends.  He ended up having a great game at the plate.  He hit a high pop up which, coming off his bat, looked like it was going pretty far, but only ended up going to the edge of the infield, just on the grass.  Unfortunately, the  shortstop caught it.  Even the coach came over to me and said he thought it was going farther.  In the next inning, Evan hit a ball really hard between short and third for a solid single.  It was a really hard hit ball.  In his last at-bat, he hit a line drive over second base for a single.  Considering he was definitely not 100% I was surprised at how hard he was hitting the ball.  He didn't get many chances in the field, but he did well when he got the ball, particularly when he was in right center.  With so many people coming to see him, he had a very loud cheering section.

We came home and Evan immediately went to bed.  Noah stayed up and I just put him to bed.  He got all the Fly Guy series of books from Zayde.  He was so excited and he read half of one to me before he asked me to finish it.

Until next time...

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