Saturday, March 23, 2013

Big Day - Sick Evan

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Evan had a very busy day today.  Today was the "opening day ceremony" for his baseball league.  I'm not sure why they waited 3 weeks into the season to have opening day.  Noah's team decided not to participate in the festivities, but Evan's team participated.  We got out to the field a bit after 9am.  It was really gray this morning and humid with a temperature in the low 50s.  It seemed really cold considering it's been in the 80s and 90s all week long.  Evan seemed to have fun with his buddies as they ran in when their team was announced.

We came home for about an hour and a half.  Noah was busy playing with Maya, Uncle Mike and Aunt Jen.  It was then that Evan seemed to not be totally himself.  Looking back he was a little more clingy to me at the ceremony, but at the time I didn't think much about it.  When Evan was cranky at home, I thought it was because he hadn't eaten.  Sometimes he goes a while without eating and he gets very cranky and he doesn't realize it's because he's hungry.  So I try to give him food only to have him turn it down.  Finally when he does eat, he gets back to his normal self.  He fought me on eating until we had to leave for his team pictures.  I brought some stuff in the car but he really didn't eat it.  I told him I'd take him to McDonald's after the pictures.

After pictures, we drove over to McDonald's but he wouldn't really eat that food. I was having him eat in the car on the way back to the field for his game.  He wasn't acting good and at first didn't want to play but he changed his mind and did want to play.  I had Rachel come to the field with Tylenol.  I got him a Sprite and filled him with as much water as I could because the day turned hot.

He played the entire game which went 6 innings.  He was catcher in three of the innings.  One inning I walked him out to the position holding his helmet while he was drinking.  Then another time I ran out with water as the inning ended.  He didn't have a very good game, not surprisingly, but I think he impressed people with his push to play.  He should have got a fly ball in right center.  He judged it perfectly and was right there but somehow dropped it.  I bet he would have had it if he had felt better.  Noah's coach, Mario, who was Evan's coach last year came out for some of the game to watch Evan.  It was nice.  Unfortunately he picked a bad game.

When we got home, I took Evan's temperature and he had a fever.  He laid down on my side of the bed and I put the tv on for him.  He did sleep some.

Uncle Mike, Aunt Jen, and Maya left for a wedding in the late afternoon.  That's the reason they are in town.  Noah stayed downstairs with Grandma and Papa.

For dinner, we had Johnny Carino's takeout.

Noah ate his dinner but Evan didn't eat.  He laid on the couch and watched the Lorax.

Evan is now in bed and Noah is in his room, but he's playing with his computer.

Until next time...

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