Thursday, April 7, 2011

When can I go to bed?

This was another long day.

Of course Noah put up a fight this morning. It's almost guaranteed that he'll fight me about something before the start of school. He didn't want to get dressed so I was just going to take him to school in his pullup. Right before we left he decided he would get dressed. Things were going well until we were walking in the school door. He started throwing a fit because he wanted to go to Evan's room first. Noah's teacher had to come out in the hallway to get him. He wouldn't come in the classroom.

After dropping the boys off I went to have a repeat ultrasound. My ultrasound last time I was in Dallas showed some cysts on my ovaries and they wanted me to get it checked out in 6 weeks. For some reason, this place had me drink 32 oz of water one hour before without restroom use. Of course they were running late with the appointments. They called me after about 30 minutes. I was not very comfortable. I don't know the results of the test. The doctor is supposed to contact me and let me know.

When I picked the boys up from school they were both in good moods. I tried putting Noah down for a nap as soon as we got home but he didn't sleep.

Gabby came at 4:00 and I tutored.

I got home at 6:30 and shortly after Morry left for a guys night out. Some friends of his were meeting at the Alamo Draft house to see Paul.

Noah was a pain during dinner. He was throwing a fit because I wouldn't carry him to his seat. I told him that we would love for him to eat with us, but he was not allowed to cry/whine while we were eating dinner. If he was going to cry he had to go to his room. He was crying so much I couldn't deal with it. I kept bringing him up to his room, maybe 5 different times. It got really old. Finally he calmed down.

Everyday he does things like this. Next week when we go for check-ups we are going to ask the doctor about him.

I put the boys to bed a while ago, but they are both still awake.

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