Friday, April 8, 2011

Anyone want a Noah?

This morning it took a while to get out of the house. It was a little bit hectic but I finally got the boys and Lizzy in the van and we went to the lake. When I went to get Lizzy out of the car, I realized I forgot her leash at home. We couldn't walk around the lake, so I decided to go to the nearby dog park. Lizzy and Evan had a great time. Noah whined a lot. Lizzy kept barking at Evan to throw the ball to her in the water.

On the way home we stopped at the library and then HEB to pick up medicine.

Noah threw a fit a lunch. He has to complain about whatever you give him even though I gave him stuff he normally likes. He just finds something to argue about.

Evan had a 5:45 game so Morry came home a little early and we all went to Evan's game. Since Morry helps out during the game I had to watch Noah. I was pretty tired by the end of the game.

When we tried to leave the baseball fields someone had parked right behind us and blocked us in. Morry probably could have maneuvered his way around, but it would have been tough. He started to try but Noah was screaming so loudly he couldn't even concentrate. I had to get out and walk around the fields and try to figure out whose car was behind ours. It didn't take too long for me to find the guy. We can't figure out why he would have parked behind someone he didn't know. They were at a different game than us and their game was still going on.

Our plan was to go out to eat after the game, but Evan was tired and Noah was cranky. We picked up Mc Donalds for the boys and P. Terry's for us.

Bath time was not pleasant either. Noah screamed and we had to do a quick wash before he could climb out of the bathtub. Evan was good and wanted to stay in there a long time.

The boys are in bed now.

I'm starting to get concerned about Noah. I'm not sure if this is just a behavior thing or something more serious like a medical problem. At least we are going for a check up next week.

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